Jake Bumbrey

Sellers Guide

Home Sellers

Let us help you sell your home.

It’s no new news that the current Real Estate market is a seller’s market. So, it’s no surprise that thousands of homeowners just like yourself are taking full advantage of the current market conditions and cashing in on their homes making substantial amounts of profit. Whether you are just looking to sell due to personal reasons, financial reasons, or just looking to relocate to a different location, now is definitely the time to make that move.

Let’s Determine the Current Value of Your Home

Before placing your home on the market for sale, it is imperative that we establish the current value of your home. Knowing this will give you a good idea of what your property will most likely go for, what you’re most likely looking at in terms of netting from the sale of your property, and it also will give us a very good idea about the best marketable price point at which we should list your property on the market for in terms of maximum results. Whether you are looking to sell now or just considering it, it is never a bad idea to have your property analyzed by a top local real estate expert so that you are always fully aware of all of your options.
Schedule a free, no-obligation seller consultation today to have a free Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) done for you today! (A button that takes the user to the Home Valuation Page)


Home Improvement Tips
for Increasing the Value of your home


Inspect Your Home

In effort to obtain maximum profit from selling your home, you first want to inspect the entire property for any underlying issues that may come up in a buyer’s home inspection report. Any hazardous conditions, major and/or functional issues should be completely mitigated before listing your home. This not only will help make your property stand out, but it also majorly increases the chances of you potentially getting over asking price on your home due to the overwhelming demand for properties already in excellent condition.


Declutter, Organize and Depersonalize

The rule of thumb to remember when getting ready to sell your home is always remembering that less is more. Buyers typically make up their minds when determining if they can see themselves in a property within the first 5 seconds of looking at a house. In order to greaten the odds of them choosing your property, you want to create a space that invokes positive emotions. Examples of things you can do in order to achieve this is acts like removing items off of the counter (only leaving a few essential items), organizing them in containers underneath the counter, and removing an excess of items from walls, limiting it to only the pieces that really highlight the area. Presenting a clean, organized and depersonalized property helps buyers truly visualize themselves within the property homing in their attention on where you want it verses where you don’t.


Fresh, Neutral Paint

In addition to the step above, adding and/or replacing the colors of your walls to neutral tones (if not done so already) helps give your home a fresh, new look overall which can be essential when trying to attract ready, willing, and able buyers. Doing so will also better help the buyer visualize themselves inside of your property while also making rooms, that would otherwise seem small, much bigger. Colors like purple, pink, orange, etc. can sometimes be very distracting and uninviting to a lot of individuals looking to purchase a property with little to no work to be done. The best way to try and sell your home as quickly as possible while maximizing profit is to create a neutral, depersonalized environment in which a buyer can see themselves. This step can be scary for a lot of sellers because, respectfully so, they love their home and the decorations they have chosen for their home, but when selling a property, it is absolutely imperative that all the decisions you make reflect what a prospective buyer wants to see verses that of your own. It can be tough, but the payoff will be well worth the minor investment.


Invest in Landscaping

Curb appeal is everything when trying to win over a buyer as it is always going to be the first thing they see when driving up to or past your property. Therefore, you want to ensure that the outside of the property truly reflects the properties natural beauty. For further details to consider here when trying to get your property ready for the market, please feel free to reach out to me directly for a full list of items that should be addressed to get the best possible return on your investment.


Remodel Outdated Areas (If needed)

If needed, you should always consider replacing extremely outdated items in your home with newer more updated ones. This can be a very costly avenue to take depending on what needs to be done within the home so it is important to make sure to put your money where it will truly benefit you the most. This can be very tricky when evaluating on your own so for a more detailed opinion on what you should do if you are considering putting your home on the market, please feel free to reach out to me and I will be more than happy to assist in any way that I can.


Stage Property

Presenting a property that is well designed and effectively highlights the best attributes of the home always sells faster than other homes that do not. Whether you have the budget to have this professionally done by an interior designer or work with a local real estate expert, it is critical that you formulate a strategy with an expert you trust to ensure that your property is shown in the best way possible. I have jointly consulted with an interior designer and independently helped stage all of the properties I have sold, and all have been under contract within 3 days! Conducting this step and executing it correctly cannot be overstated.


Have Professional Real Estate Photos Taken of Your Property

Nowadays, mostly everything has been digitalized and moved online, therefore all marketing strategies must be effectively executed there too. After all of the above steps have been successfully completed, it is now time for you and your local real estate expert to start discussing how the property should be marketed and why for maximum results. The best way to start this off, in my opinion, is by obtaining top of the line professional real estate photos of your property. Pictures are absolutely invaluable when it comes to effectively grabbing a buyer’s attention, as these photos will be the first thing they see when coming across your property. If your average buyer typically makes up their mind within the first 5 seconds of viewing your property, that isn’t much time to make an impression at all, which is why your property pictures must be of excellent quality. If taken with a phone, in poor lighting, or by someone who is not extremely well versed in lighting and/or in real estate photography, your property runs the risk of not being showcased in the best light, which can deter a buyer from viewing your property and unfortunately could mean the difference between your property selling and not. I believe in this so much that I personally pay for all of my clients to have this done professionally by my very own real estate photographer, and to this day, approaching online marketing this way has never failed me or my clients with regards to being able to effectively market and sell a property quickly.

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